O-RAN Global Plugfest Fall 2024
The O-RANALLIANCE Global PlugFest Fall 2024 is successfully concluded at the end of November! All testing occurred on-site in Berlin at the i14y Lab or remotely over nearly a month, from October 7th to November 15th.
is a leading independent test lab for telecommunication technologies.
We provide vendor-neutral, realistic, high-quality testing and consultancy services for vendors, service providers, and enterprises.
We are excited to announce our next Multi-Vendor MPLS & SDN Interoperability Test Event 2025
We carry out test sessions, complemented by consulting for our customers. Our service provides you with objective facts you can trust when making decisions.
Our expert advice will give you a significant advantage in enhancing the confidence of your customers and partners. We place great emphasis on ensuring our work is of the highest quality.
Service providers, vendors, and enterprises benefit from our independent testing.
Knowing the capacity limits and ideal utilization for your networks enables you to plan your investments and meet your customers’ requirements. We can advise you to find the best technical solution.
Over the past years, our team successfully executed numerous remote tests for our customers.
We offer the required skills and enhanced technical equipment to perform our remote testing services – either in our lab or on our customers’ premises.
The O-RANALLIANCE Global PlugFest Fall 2024 is successfully concluded at the end of November! All testing occurred on-site in Berlin at the i14y Lab or remotely over nearly a month, from October 7th to November 15th.
We are thrilled to announce the 2025 edition of our Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test Event, which will be in collaboration with Upperside’s MPLS & SRv6 AI Net World Congress.
Telekom Deutschland GmbH commissioned EANTC to evaluate its Business Premium Access portfolio. EANTC conducted a series of tests on internet connection speeds ranging from 50 Mbit/s to 10 Gbit/s. The test focused on key performance indicators such as link bandwidth, latency, jitter, and packet loss.
EANTC independently evaluated the performance, service scalability, and energy efficiency of the new Huawei 19.2 Terabit/s line card for the NetEngine 8000 X-series routers. We found that the 19.2T line card lives up to the expectations of its name – it supports a staggering 19.2 Terabit/second line rate throughput across its high-density configuration with 36x 400GigabitEthernet ports and 6x 800GigabitEthernet ports. It takes less than 2,200 Watt electrical energy while running at full load across all ports.
The TM Forum has published the latest Autonomous Networks (AN) Level 4 Industry Blueprint release. EANTC has co-signed this report.
It is our pleasure to support the important work of the TM Forum in advancing automated network service provisioning, troubleshooting, and optimization.
Precision time synchronization is critical for advanced telecom networks, especially with the rise of 6G. In these videos, we show a successful demonstration at EANTC that highlighted the capabilities of “Class D” clocks, achieving network-wide synchronization with sub-50 ns error across multiple boundary clocks.
If you are interested and would like to receive more information, please send us an email and sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date.
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Salzufer 14
10587 Berlin
phone: +49.30.3180595-0
e-mail: info@eantc.de
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