Circuit Emulation, Clock Synchronization, Scalability
IP/MPLS is a mature yet complex technology with many configuration options. It is crucial to verify the individual network’s functionality, performance, and scalability before deployment. Proper quality of service and resiliency configuration is key to providing highly available business and consumer data services.
SDN aims to make networks cost-effective, flexible and dynamic. The driving idea is to enable optimized, application-aware resource management in a transport network infrastructure. By decoupling the control functions from forwarding functions to offer a centralized view of the network, the network is directly programmable and the control plane can be centrally implemented at a few controllers. Each controller is designed to manage a large number of switches.
EANTC did the first tests dating back to the Spring of 2012. Our operational knowledge ranges from single-vendor to multi-vendor interoperability testing, from use case confirmation to protocol verification.